10 reasons why Team Building is beneficial for your company

1. Encourage teamwork

Teamwork is key for a company to be successful and the cornerstone for it to survive over time. Each and every one of the people who have been part, in one way or another, of our activities; they have this concept etched in memory. We transmit it, we put it into practice and mainly … that’s how we feel it.

When working as a team, the efforts of each of the group members are enhanced, thus reducing execution time and increasing the effectiveness of the results. This way of working, in addition to being the most productive, fosters an optimal and enviable work environment.


2. Improve communication

Our Team Building activities highlight the importance of communication to achieve common goals. Participants experience, through different activities, the direct relationship between communication, organization and good results.

Check for themselves, the satisfaction of achieving objectives through coordination and teamwork allows them to transfer that learning to the workplace. Proper communication at work avoids misunderstandings and allows all its members to work coherently in pursuit of a common goal.


3. Stimulates trust and camaraderie

It is necessary to create ties between people who work together to create a good working environment. Doing so fosters a pleasant climate in the workplace and provides a series of benefits for the company and for the workers themselves.

In each of our activities for companies, we verify that the results that are achieved thanks to the effort and collaboration of the entire group; strengthen ties between participants. Feeling that working together and coordinated, they can achieve their goals, reinforces their team spirit and increases self-confidence.


4. Encourage positive attitude

The attitude with which we face the different events that surround us is essential. A positive attitude will allow people to feel happier in their life and, consequently, in their work. They will become more motivated and therefore more productive employees.

This attitude is what we promote in each of our workshops. Participants discover that the only way to achieve their goals is to leave their comfort zone; facing different activities with a predisposition and a positive attitude.

5. Increase creativity

Many times, we surprise ourselves with what we are capable of doing. We underestimate ourselves and stop that creative part that we all have. Our Team Building activities are a good opportunity to sharpen your wits and let all your creativity flow.


6. Strengthens the feeling of belonging to the company

Team Building activities encourage workers to feel closer to their company. They begin to know her better, to see her closer and to feel part of her; reason why the loyalty is greater. Feeling that they are a team favours the feeling of belonging; something really stimulating and comforting for workers.


7. Increase worker motivation

Employee motivation is one of the key psychological variables in achieving business goals. But it is not only important for the good running of the company, but also for the well-being of the workers: employees with a high motivation in their occupation are happier in their jobs. Motivation initiates, guides and maintains behaviours aimed at achieving a goal and satisfying a need. It is a force that makes us act and keeps us moving, and is key to overcoming adverse or less favorable situations.


8. Helps reduce and prevent stress

Research also suggests that positive relationships in the work environment and peer social support helps reduce and prevent stress. And, as Robert Karasev suggests in his “Demand-Control-Social Support Model”, this last variable acts as a mediating factor in the appearance of stress and can reduce its impact on workers.


9. It allows analysing the areas for improvement and correcting them

If these dynamics are well developed, it is possible to analyse the relationship between the workers (for example, to find out if there are communication problems), and it is possible to increase the group’s self-knowledge and its strengths and weaknesses.

Thanks to this analysis, it is possible to know what needs to be worked on to take measures and thus correct those factors that affect the work environment and interfere with the smooth running of the company. In this sense, Team Building activities can also be a good opportunity to develop new skills and competencies in workers, such as organisation, leadership or communication skills.


10. Improve the work environment

While a toxic work environment interferes with employees’ well-being, when the work environment is positive, employees enjoy their work more, and as a result, their performance improves. In this regard, by promoting communication and interpersonal relationships, the Team Building improves the work environment, which affects the company’s productivity.